A downloadable game for Windows

Welcome to Bullet Roll!

Stella is a young woman that is pursuing her dream of became a red cloak warrior. Only the bravest and the strongest warrior deserve this title. 

Our young warrior arrived in the legendary ruins of agility. A place that she will need to prove why she deserves the title. For this she need to fill the eternal tree with energy and the only thing that generate the necessary amount of energy is PARRYING the magic arrows.

Use "awsd" or "arrow keys" from keyboard to roll stella at the last moment to parry.  But be aware if you roll too late or too soon, she will be hit and loose energy!  



Engine: Unreal 5
Release: 20th May 2024

This game was produced for the Bullet Hell Jam 5


BulletRoll_win_v1.0.rar 978 MB

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