[v0.2] New characters + Sound Effects

Hello all, for this week post I will share a couple of updates that I've made

- New characters:

Two new characters join the game, meet King Pig and Pirate Punch

- New sound effects

Together with the two new characters, new sound effects were being added: Hit, Attack, Jump, PickUp, Score and Score update. So I understand that is no wait to show, I will talk a little (and share) some of the code I created.

So let's begin :D

For the sound effects, I created a ScriptableObject class called SoundSO that will help me organize and create new sounds easily . Together with that I created a PlayerSFX that will be responsible to play the specific movement sound, when walk, jump, attack or get hit, so with this we can have the sound code separated from the rest of the player script, leading us for better organisation :D

The code samples can be found here since itch.io doesn't support show code :P 

That's it, see you all next week!

Get KingsVsPirates

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